[v1.1.0] - 2024-01-27
The update adds PDF page number metadata, improves metadata extraction, fixes widget/dashboard issues, enhances Celery and URL functions, and resolves multiple bugs.
- Page number in chunk metadata for PDFs.
- Metadata extraction for each chunk in the preprocessing pipeline enhancing retrieval precision.
- Widget - Add ability to dynamically change script attributes by updating the values on the script tag and calling Dokko.dispose() and Dokko.init()
- Dashboard - Add all missing labels in the translation file.
- Switched from prefork to threads pool for Celery workers.
- Presigned URL function enhanced with page number for PDFs.
- Superscript parser enhancement with stream start/end logic.
- Updated Poppler utilities installation packages.
- Sanitized Unicode in documents during load/translate.
- Premature Celery termination issue.
- Blocking the deletion of accounts that own active subscriptions.
- Widget
- Fix reCAPTCHA iframe duplication when opening and closing the chat widget.
- Fix missing translations on authentication pages; styling on authentication pages on very small screens.
- Dashboard
- Fix route guard bugs for content admin.
- Fix some routes still redirecting to app/sessions or app/account instead of app/chat.